

TweeseCake is a light-weight, multi-purpose, robust software suite, for Windows and macOS. It can either be controlled entirely without a window (Windows only), or from a handy, easy-to-use UI! Some highlights include:


The invisible interface is only available on Windows, and it will probably remain that way (Apple doesn’t let us bind many shortcuts).

In addition, replace control with command and alt with option in keyboard shortcuts on Mac.

It’s also worth noting that to get to a list of all possible commands from within the UI, press alt+m. On a mac, press option+m. This is session specific, so it will only show you what you need to know.

Getting started

Upon first launch, you will be asked for your TweeseCake username and password. If you do not have an account already, go to to create one.

Once that’s done, you’ll need to find your config session if using the window, or press Alt+Windows+Shift+Right arrow to get to the config session. After that, to create a new session/account, use control shift N if using the window, or Alt+Win+Shift+N if not. This will bring up the session type chooser. Simply choose what type of session you want from the list, and press OK.

Below are instructions for setting up each session type.


After you do these steps, you’re all set and Telegram will load in your chats! If you are unable to log into telegram, please try downloading the Microsoft Redistributable package and install it.

File Explorer

A new session will simply be created, no input required.


A new session will also just be created with no input required.


First, you’ll be asked for the mastodon instance you wish to log in with. If you don’t know what this means, just press enter for the default (currently
The Mastodon login page will then be opened in your browser. Once logged into Mastodon, copy the code that Mastodon shows into the authorization code window, and press enter.

Mastodon disclaimer

The Mastodon session is incomplete; the integration may present a number of issues, or may not work at all. This is always being improved with each update. If you need something that isn’t currently implemented, we suggest the Semaphore client. Alternatively, get in touch. Our mastodon username is


To log into Github, you need a personal access token. To get this token, Go to Github’s tokens page and generate a new token. Save this token in case you need to log in again.
Note: When creating your token, Make sure the private repositories check box is checked, if you’d like TweeseCake to be able to read your private repositories.


A new session will just be created, at which point you can just add feeds to it.

Home Assistant

To log into your home assistant instance, you will need a URL (E.G: http://homeassistant.local:8123) or an IP address on your local network. You will also need a Long-Lived access token, which can be obtained from your profile page:
Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant user’s profile.

Session specific documentation


This session allows you to interact with Telegram. While it doesn’t contain all of Telegrams functionality (e.g. calling), it contains quite a good bit. The default buffers are as follows:


UI Keys

File explorer

This session allows you to explore your file system without needing a window. The default buffers are as follows:


UI Keys


The radio session allows you to listen to internet radio. The default buffers by default are:


UI keys


The Github session allows you to view your repositories, as well as the files in that repository. It also allows you to view issues of repositories, make new ones, and comment on existing ones. Finally, it allows you to search github for repositories.


UI keys


The feeds session allows you to listen to podcasts and view RSS feeds all from one session! We’ve made it as easy to use as possible.


UI Keys

Home Assistant

The Home Assistant session allows you to view the state and interact with your smart home from within the TweeseCake application.


UI Keys


You will already have a session by default called “TweeseCake: Config”. This is your configuration / options session. It doesn’t require any kind of setup; it’s just there by default. The default buffer is general, and there is a second buffer called buffers. They currently contain the following options:




UI Keys



The Mastodon session type allows you to interact with Mastodon. It doesn’t support absolutely everything you can do on mastodon for the moment, but it can do quite a bit!


UI keys

Misc UI keys

Invisible Keyboard shortcuts

Invisible Keyboard shortcuts are always being added and updated based on your keymap or currently focused session. To get a current list of keyboard shortcuts relevant to the session you’re currently focused in, press windows alt shift H from anywhere.

Creating custom keymaps

To create a custom keymap, create a new text file in the keymaps folder, and rename it to the name of your keymap. After that, change the extension from .txt to .keymap. If you get a warning about files possibly becoming unusable, press yes.

Your file should contain this at the top of it.

name = Name of your keymap
desc = Description of what your keymap does.
author = Your name

Keys go here.

Do note that you don’t have to fill in all the keys, just the ones you want to change. Any keys left out will be assigned to the default.


Currently, keymaps only work for global keys.

At the time of this writing, there’s no way to remap the UI keys.


To create a soundpack, create a folder with the type of session you want to support, followed by a dash (-), followed by the name of your pack (e.g. mastodon-mypack). Do note that names are not case-sensative.

The currently available session types are:

Your packs need to contain the following files:





Default Sounds.

Inside the sounds folder, you will find a folder named default. This contains sounds that you don’t have to fill in, but you can on a per-soundpack basis. If you don’t fill them in, the sounds in here will play. It contains the following sounds:

Portable mode.

To run TweeseCake in portable mode, create a folder called “userdata” in the same folder (without the quotes). Alternatively, you can copy your appdata TweeseCake folder, and rename it to userdata.

Getting support.

Need help? Have a question? Want to report a bug? You can contact us and do just that, in one of the following ways: